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Edamend Solutions partnered with the Canadian Women’s Chamber of Commerce (CanWCC) to develop a specialized training course titled “Business Financing Fundamentals” as part of their empowering “Flip the Script” program. This course was designed to equip women and women-identifying entrepreneurs with essential knowledge and skills in business financing.


The Canadian Women’s Chamber of Commerce (CanWCC) is dedicated to supporting women entrepreneurs by providing resources and training that foster business growth and empowerment. As part of their Flip the Script initiative, CanWCC sought to offer a comprehensive course on business financing to help their members become more adept business owners. With the aim of creating a course that would be both informative and engaging, CanWCC turned to Edamend Solutions for development.

The Canadian Women's Chamber of Commerce Website Homepage

The Need:

CanWCC needed a robust training solution that would deliver essential business financing knowledge in an accessible and engaging format. The challenge was to develop a course that not only conveyed critical financial concepts but also engaged members through interactive elements. With a tight timeline, the goal was to produce a high-quality video-based course with interactive case studies and exercises.


Edamend Solutions approached the project with a focus on creating a well-structured, multimedia-rich course tailored to the needs of CanWCC’s members. We collaborated closely with CanWCC to understand their objectives and gathered content to ensure the course was aligned with their vision.


  1. Needs Assessment:  We conducted a thorough review of CanWCC’s requirements and content needs to ensure the course met their goals.
  2. Content Creation:  Developed all necessary scripts, storyboards, reading materials, and interactive exercises to create a comprehensive learning experience.
  3. Course Development:  Created all videos using Camtasia, incorporating engaging video content, interactive case studies, and exercises. Added closed captions to enhance accessibility.
  4. Platform Integration:  Uploaded and set up the course on CanWCC’s preferred learning platform,, ensuring seamless access for members.


The project encountered some technical difficulties and a tight development timeline. However, these challenges were effectively managed to ensure the delivery of a high-quality course.


The final course delivered exceptional value to CanWCC’s members:

  1. Comprehensive Training:  The course provided in-depth knowledge of business financing fundamentals through engaging video content and interactive elements.
  2. Enhanced Learning Experience:  The incorporation of case studies and exercises facilitated practical application of concepts.
  3. Successful Integration:  The course was seamlessly integrated into CanWCC’s learning platform,, allowing easy access and management.

Lessons Learned:

This project highlighted the profound impact that tailored customer training courses can have on both customer and business success. It showed how effective, customized training not only equips customers (in this case, entrepreneurs) with the essential skills and knowledge they need, but also supports the growth and success of the organization providing the training (in this case, CanWCC). By delivering such impactful and targeted educational solutions, we contributed to CanWCC’s ongoing success and reinforced the value of investing in specialized training programs for customers.


The “Business Financing Fundamentals” course developed for the Canadian Women’s Chamber of Commerce highlights the value of targeted customer training. By delivering a focused and interactive educational experience, Edamend Solutions provided CanWCC with a powerful tool to enhance their members’ capabilities and support their entrepreneurial journey.

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